How do I process a shipment request?

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Web Page

iOS App

Android App

Web Page

1.) Step One

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) Select the Mail tab at the top of the screen highlighted in RED.

2.) Select the Requests button in the menu to the left of the screen, highlighted in GREEN.

3.) Select the Shipment button, highlighted in BLUE.

4.) All of the mail that has a shipment request will appear where the box highlighted in YELLOW. Select the item that is going to be shipped.

5.) Any mail that has a RED BORDER and a RED CIRCLE with an exclamation point is labeled as an URGENT Shipment. An example of one is highlighted in GREEN.

2.) Step Two

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) Select the checkbox at the top left of the mail item image. Highlighted in RED.

2.) In the box highlighted in GREEN you will find the mail item Shipping Information.

3.) In the box highlighted in BLUE you will find the Shipment Fees and the Tracking Number.

Note: This information is not shared with the customer in their mailbox app. They will receive a separate notification email allowing them to track the shipment.

4.) In the box highlighted in YELLOW is the Shipping Label. The two Icons to the right allow you to either print the label or download it to your device.

5.) At the bottom of the screen highlighted in RED, is the Process button. Click this to complete the shipment request once everything is correctly verified.

Click the video to view it in full size.

iOS Application

1.) Select the Navigation Menu, highlighted in RED.

Click the image to view it in full size.

2.) Select the Requests button, highlighted in RED.

Click the image to view it in full size.

3.) Step Three

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) Select the Shipment button, highlighted in RED.

2.) All of the mail that has a Shipment request will appear where the box highlighted in YELLOW. Select the mail item that is going to be shipped.

4.) Step Four

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) Select the Checkbox on the left, highlighted in RED to approve this mail item. If there is more than one piece of mail the image can be swiped to the left to view the next item.

2.) In the box highlighted in GREEN, the weight and dimensions can be viewed.

3.) When all the above information looks correct swipe up on the screen to scroll down. This is highlighted in BLUE.

4.) Step Four

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) The mail item's Shipping & Handling Costs, Total Cost, Tracking Number, Shipping Label can all be found withing the box, highlighted in RED.

2.) The top icon, highlighted in BLUE, will allow you to download the shipping label to the currently used device. The bottom Icon will allow you to share the shipping label to a different device, to email, or to other installed apps.

3.) When all of the information looks correct and everything is confirmed. Select the Process button highlighted in GREEN, to complete the shipment request.

Android Application

1.) Step One - Selecting the Shipment Request

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) Select the Shipment button, highlighted in RED.

2.) Select the Shipment that is going to be processed, highlighted in GREEN.

2.) Step Two - Shipment Confirmation Screen Pt. 1

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) In the box highlighted in RED you will find the image of the scanned and uploaded mail item, Mail ID#. If there is more than one item the screen can be swiped left or right.

2.) Select the checkbox, highlighted in GREEN ton confirm the current mail item.

3.) Swipe the screen up to scroll down and view the rest of the information for the current mail item. This is highlighted in BLUE.

3.) Step Three - Shipment Confirmation Screen Pt. 2

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) In the box highlighted in RED, you will find the following information: Shipping Method, Insurance Value, Shipment Fees, Total Cost and the Tracking number for this shipment.

2.) In the box highlighted in GREEN, you will find an image of the Shipping Label, a Download Button, Print Button and Share button.

3.) If all the information looks correct, select the Process button, highlighted in YELLOW to complete the shipment.

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