How do I process a recycle request?

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Web Page

iOS App

Android App

Web Page

Part One - Navigating to the Recycle request and choosing the mail item.

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) Select the Mail tab at the top of the screen, highlighted in RED.

2.) Select the Requests button, in the menu to the top left of the screen, highlighted in GREEN.

3.) Select the Recycle button, highlighted in BLUE.

4.) Select the checkbox of all the mail items that are being recycled, this is found in the top left corner of the mail item, highlighted in YELLOW.

5.) When all the mail items that are being recycled have been selected. Click the Recycle button towards the right of the screen. This is highlighted in GREEN and labeled STEP 5. This will remove the mail item from the system and it can be discarded/recycled.

Click the video to view it in full size.

iOS Application

1.) Part One - Select the Navigation Menu, highlighted in RED.

Click the image to view it in full size.

2.) Part Two - Select the Requests button, highlighted in RED.

Click the image to view it in full size.

3.) Part Three - Finding Mobile Customer Requests.

1.) If you can not locate the customer request type you are looking for you can swipe left or right to cycle through all of the request types. This is highlighted in BLUE.

4.) Part Four - Selecting the mail item.

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) Select the Recycle button, highlighted in RED.

2.) Select the Mail Item that needs to be recycled, highlighted in YELLOW.

5.) Part Five - Click the Recycle button towards the bottom of the screen, highlighted in RED.

Click the image to view it in full size.

Android Application

1.) Part One - Select the Requests button in the Menu, highlighted in RED.

Click the image to view it full size.

2.) Part Two - Finding Mobile Customer Requests.

1.) If you can not locate the customer request type you are looking for you can swipe left or right to cycle through all of the request types. This is highlighted in BLUE.

3.) Part Three - Select the Recycle Button highlighted in RED.

Click the image to view it in full size.

4.) Part Four - Select the piece of mail that needs to be recycled, highlighted in RED. This will remove the mail item from the system and it can be discarded/recycled.

Click the image to view it in full size.

5.) Part Five - Confirmation Screen.

Click the image to view it in full size.

1.) Within the box highlighted in RED will be the scanned image of the mail item, and the Mail ID#.

2.) In the box highlighted in GREEN will be the Mailbox Number (PMB#), the Sender, date that it was uploaded. Area ID Is no longer used it can be disregarded.

3.) If all the information looks correct select the Process button, highlighted in YELLOW. This will remove the mail item from the system and it can be discarded/recycled.

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